Smoke & Mirrors, Inc
Nicolas Véron and 2 more
Not Available
International Monetary Power
David M Andrews
The Limits of Transparency
Jacqueline Best
The Globalizers
Ngaire Woods
Governing Finance
Andrew Walter
Currency and Contest in East Asia
William W Grimes
The Future of the Dollar
Eric Helleiner and 1 more
A Europe Made of Money
Emmanuel MourlonDruol
The Great Wall of Money
Benjamin J Cohen
Ruling Capital
Kevin Gallagher
Demanding Devaluation
David Steinberg
The Currency of Confidence
Stephen C Nelson
The Hypocritical Hegemon
Lukas Hakelberg
The Bankers' Blacklist
Julia C Morse
Unexpected Revolutionaries
Manuela Moschella
The Latecomer's Rise
Muyang Chen